Warm up 15 mins Stretches and strides at 6:15 followed by 4 x 100m strides 4 x 600m @ 5k pace with a short 200m recovery jog walk in between. Take 5 min recovery jog 4 x 400m 3-5 seconds faster than 5k pace (or roughly 3k pace. 60- 90 second recovery between each Cool […]
Warmup mile, drills, 4x100. The beginners that attend will do 3-5x300 with 100 walk. The other club members will do at 10 seconds faster than their 5k mile pace 3-5x1200 with 400 jog. Warm down three laps
15 min warm up Drills and stretches followed by 4 x 100m strides 6-10 x 400m at 5k pace. Take 50-75% of interval time as walking /jogging recovery Example. 400m @ 8 min pace = 2:00 Walk/jog 60-90 seconds and repeat. Cool down 8-10 min jog