Warmup 1-2 miles. Track drills. 6x50m strides with equal jog. At 5k pace for 9:00 minutes stride the 100m straightaways and jog or walk the turns. Then 3:00 recovery. Do this again for 7:00 and take a two minute break. Then do for five minutes with 1:00 break and finish with 3:00. Warm down 2-3 […]
Regular 15 min warm up 4 x 100m strides 3 x 1600m at Half marathon pace with 60 seconds recovery Option for newer runners: Do 2 x 1600m as above, then Break up last repeat into 4 x 400m at 10k pace with 60 second jog recovery. Cool down 8-10 mins.
NOTE TIME CHANGE FOR 8/29- THIS WORKOUT WILL START AT 5:00PM ! Warmup mile. Track drills. 4x100 strides with 100 jog. At 5k pace for four laps, stride a 150 and jog 50. Two of these each lap. You can walk 50 for your recovery. After four laps take 3:00 break. Repeat 1-2 more times. […]