Warm up 15-20 mins. Stretches, drills and 4x 100m strides DMR All at 3k-5k pace: 1200, 800, 400, 1600 All with a 3 min jogging recovery in between. This is not a high volume workout so effort should be given to run these as close to 3k / 2 mile pace as possible. 10 min […]
All ---> Warmup mile. Track drills. 4x100m strides. Then at 5k pace 2x200m with 200 jog. Then do 1000m with 200 jog. Take 3:00 break. Do this set 1-3 more times. Warm down 1/2 mile
Everyone warmup mile. Track drills. 4x100m. First all will do a 1600m time trial. After a good recovery, will do 7-10x1:00 with 1:00 jog or walk. Warm down three laps
15-20 min warm up. Drills strides then 4 x 100m strides 6-8 x 300m at 5k pace. Jog 100m recovery 5 min recovery between sets Start second set of 6-8 300m 3-5 seconds faster than the first set Cool down 10 mins.