Warm up 1.5 miles 4 x 100m Lager run 5k prep: 3 sets of 400m. 1st 2-3 seconds slower than goal pace. 2nd exactly at goal pace 3rd 2-3 seconds faster than goal pace. Rest 60 seconds between intervals and 400m between sets Cool down 1 mile
With Coach Paul Regular warm up Going to go a little easy this week because many people just raced and have been working hard. 5-8 x 600m at 5k pace. Recovery is a walk or jog for 200m back to the start. I will mark the start with the cones. Cool down 1 mile
With Coach Paul 15 min warm up Drills and stretches followed by 4 x 100m strides 6-10 x 400m at 5k pace. Take 50-75% of interval time as walking /jogging recovery Example. 400m @ 8 min pace = 2:00 Walk/jog 60-90 seconds and repeat. Cool down 8-10 min jog
With Coach Joel Everyone warmup mile. Track drills and 2x100m strides. For those doing sunset classic on Thursday do 6-12x200 with 200jog (10 seconds faster then goal race pace. For those not competing do at 5k race pace 1x800 with 400 jog. Then 2x300 with 100 jog and then 2x200 with 200 jog. Finish with […]